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Garden Suburb Infant School


Handwriting is taught using a rigorous, sequential approach with coherence and continuity across the school.

We teach regular, discrete handwriting sessions, using the Nelson Handwriting scheme, focusing on handwriting 'families' (letters that are formed in a similar way).

We use handwriting practice resources closely matched to children's individual needs and these are often multi-sensory (particularly in EYFS) in order to develop necessary fine motor skills needed for correct letter formation.

We expect that the teacher's own handwriting is used as a consistent and high-quality model.

We assess handwriting attainment informally and address gaps quickly and effectively with targeted interventions.


We use teaching videos to support handwriting practise at home, particularly in Year Two, where the children are learning cursive (joined up) writing, which will eventually support their speed and fluency. These are uploaded to the children's "Tapestry" journals. You can see an example here:


We understand how important gross and motor skills are in developing writing, in particular.  Our playground equipment, including monkey bars, climbing walls and traversing ropes, is geared towards developing children’s core strength and hand grip, to support their pencil grip, hand control and stamina in their writing. This is supplemented by classroom activities to build strength in the children’s hands, such as dough disco and various fine motor activities.

We encourage children to sit upright and place both feet on the floor whilst writing, holding their pencils with the correct grip, forming letters in the correct direction.