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Garden Suburb Infant School

General Safety and Security

Site security
We have security gates for entry into the front playground and an entry phone system for access to the school building.

The gates are open during normal arrival/collection times at the beginning and end of the school day.   If you need to access the school site at any other time please press the buzzer which links to the school office and come to reception at the main Infant School entrance.

To access the building please use the entry phone located at the main door.

All members of staff in the Infant School have ID badges, and all visitors are required to sign in and wear a visitors badge while on site (except for parents/carers going to assemblies/class meetings). All visitors working with or around the children are asked to show their company ID's and DBS Clearance is checked where appropriate.

Parking and Safety
Clearly traffic and parking around the school can present a serious safety hazard for children.  We ask all parents to drive and park responsibly in the local area. This includes:-

  • Not driving up/parking or turning on Childs Way at any time.
  • Not blocking the slip road off Willifield Green.
  • Following the parking restriction notices in the area.

There is a Controlled Parking Zone in the area immediately around school with residents only parking between 1.00 – 2.00pm.

The school car park is strictly for staff use, and should not be used by the parents at any time.

To support the curriculum we use various resources including the use of computers and some internet based software packages.

E-Safety is of course of primary concern, the School has very clear and strictly enforced policies in relation to child protection and safeguarding of children and e-safety. Only suitable sites are accessible in school and use of computers and the internet are well supervised.

All parents and staff are expected to sign an acceptable use agreement committing to safe use of this technology. You will be given this when your child starts school.

Photographs of children
In school we regularly take photographs of the children for:

Recording activities within school       Book Making
Display                                              Celebration
In service training                             Record Keeping

In addition we may take photos for Publicity, Newsletters and Press releases and when your child joins the school we ask for your permission to take and use their photograph for these purposes. Your child’s image will not be used outside the school unless you have given specific permission.

School Web Site
We like our website to reflect the children in our school, and include photographs of the children at work and play. For safeguarding reasons we adhere strictly to the following policy:

  • Children's names will be published as their first name only or if required, first name and last name initial.
  • Images of children will not be labelled with their names.
  • Children will only be shown in photos where they are suitably dressed.
  • Personal details of children, staff and governors, such as home addresses, telephone numbers and personal e-mail addresses will not be released via the website or school e-mail.

Parent photos
Parents are only permitted to take photos in the school hall during assemblies. These should be taken discretely and not disruptive of the occasion or intrusive for other users of the space.

Official School Photos
Twice a year a professional photographer comes into school to take the official individual and class photographs which you can purchase. We also hold a family session after school in the autumn term where you can have family portraits taken for you to purchase.

Use of mobile phones
For all children’s safety we ask you to turn off mobile phones or similar in and around the school building.