A Visit to Kenwood House

All the year groups have visited Kenwood House this half-term. This is such a beautiful place, with an interesting history, and a very local resource!
The KS1 children explored some of the art indoors, and we all took time outside, looking carefully at the house and the grounds.
We drew Kenwood House from direct observation. We looked carefully at the building and drew what we could see. We compared the North and South faces of Kenwood House.
We explored some of the paintings of portraits and the Library in Kenwood House and learnt about who used to live in the house.
We asked and answered questions and shared our ideas about what we saw.
We looked at the wonderful view of central London and recognised some of the landmarks we had learnt about in Spring.
We have begun an art project on self-portraits and next term, we will be painting our own self-portraits.
We had a great day out and enjoyed exploring a different environment, quite close to our school.
Click HERE to find out about Kenwood House on the English Heritage website.