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Garden Suburb Infant School

Admissions - Apply For A Place In Our School

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and you will naturally wish to find out as much information as possible. The Headteacher shows parents around the school on a regular basis through the autumn term and on occasional dates in the spring and summer terms, usually on Tuesday mornings. Please telephone the school office on 020 8455 8198 or email to make an appointment if you are considering applying to our school for the current or next academic year.

If you would like to book an appointment, discuss anything regarding the admissions process or have any other questions then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Dobinson (Admissions / School Business Manager) either by email to or telephone on 020 8455 8198 (option 2)


CURRENT ACADEMIC YEAR ADMISSIONS (for children born on or between 1st Sept 2016 to 31st August 2019)We still have places in our school in all year groups, so if you would like to apply for a place in our school for the current academic year, please see below for further information on "In Year Applications" and complete the relevant application form on the Barnet Admissions website

If you are offered a place in our school, please email, so we can arrange your child's individual induction timetable.


RECEPTION YEAR APPLICATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2024 (for children born on or between 1st Sept 2019 - 31st August 2020): The application process for September 2024 opens on 1st September 2023 and the deadline for completing your online application is 15th January 2024 (see "Applying for Reception Year" below for further information). 

We are still developing our film-making skills, but we hope the video below will give you a brief introduction to our school:

Applying for Reception year 

Parents can apply for a place in one of our Reception classes from the September their child is three years old, ready for admission in the September when they are already four years old. The normal deadline for the application for Reception Year is 15th January of the year they are due to start, and place/s are offered in April.

Parents who wish to apply to our school should apply directly to the Local Authority, please go to the Barnet Admissions website for further information on Primary admissions, including how places were offered last year.

Information about applying for a place in our school will also be given when you visit. There is no additional application form to complete for the school.

Once offers are made and accepted in April, the school contacts families with details of the induction process for our new reception children, and parents are invited to an induction evening in June.

Late applications are also welcome (there is always plenty of movement over the summer months), please go to "Making a Late Application" at Barnet Admission - Late Applications

applying for a school place mid year (in year admissions) 

Children are also admitted at other times during the year, depending on the availability of places and according to the London Borough of Barnet’s admissions policy. (See the publication “A Guide to Primary Education in Barnet” or the Barnet website for full details). 

For children changing schools, or who are applying for a place mid-year, please go to Barnet In Year Admissions for further information and to complete a form to go onto the school's waiting list.

If a place does become available for your child the admissions department will be in contact with you. Once a child has been offered a place, and it has been accepted, the school will contact you to confirm the induction process. We will arrange a home visit, a story visit and start date. All children (regardless of age) start mornings only and will extend the day to full time once they have settled in.

Please note if you are applying for a place in Year Two (date of birth range 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017) you will also need to do a separate application for a place in our junior school for Year Three to start in September 2024. Go to Barnet Admissions - Apply for Junior School for further information.


criteria for admissions & Catchment area 

The criteria used for placing the waiting list include the following:

  1. Children whom the Chief Education Officer accepts have an exceptional medical, social or educational need which the school is particularly able to meet. These will include children ‘looked after’ by a local authority under the provision of the Children Act 1989.

  2. Children who, when the places are allocated, have a sibling in either the Infant or linked Junior School.

  3. Remaining places are offered on a geographical basis, initially from the catchment area and then on distance from the school.

Please see below a map of our catchment area:

admissions contact details

If you have any further questions please contact us either by email on or by ringing 020 8455 8198, selecting option 2.

To contact the admissions department at London Borough of Barnet:

Website: Barnet Admissions       Telephone: 020 8359 7651   

Application Website: eAdmissions 

Please click eAdmissions Guide for details of how to apply online