Welcome from the Chair of Governors
Governors play an important role in our schools. We support the Head Teachers to provide a high standard of education, deliver a caring and inclusive environment and ensure our children’s wellbeing.
Beside the two Head Teachers and staff governors we have 13 non-staff governors who are all volunteers.
We are very proud of our Infant and Junior schools. We work closely with the Head Teachers and all governors endeavour to contribute actively to the work of the governing body.
Garden Suburb Governing Body is the federated body for Garden Suburb Infant & Juniors schools. Our schools are Local Authority maintained; they share the same site and work closely together. Children from the Infant school are automatically admitted to the Junior school and the vast majority stay with us until year 6.
In this web page you will learn about our structure, who we are and what we do.
Would you wish to know more, please contact the Infant school or the Junior school office and we will get back to you.
Anthony Shayle
Chair of Governors