Household Support Fund
Once again the government has provided local authorities across England with funding to support families most in need to help with significantly rising living costs. The fund will support households who would struggle to meet food and energy bills without support.
The London Borough of Barnet issue schools with money for them to send supermarket vouchers to parents of children who are entitled to benefit related Free School Meals.
For further information about how Barnet Council supports families through the Household Support Fund please go to Barnet Household Support Fund
At Garden Suburb Infant School we use an online system | Simplifying School Vouchers (previously known as to issue these to our parents.
All eligible parents will be sent an email by the system and are asked to register, once registered they are able to redeem their vouchers for a supermarket voucher of choice - they can also download an app which makes the process easier.
If parents experience any problems with the system then go to Parent FAQ - where you will find step by step guides and an email address to contact their helpdesk.
There is also a helpful video below which takes you through the process - including how to access your voucher once you have redeemed it for a supermarket gift card: