How the money is spent
The PTA funds are for the ‘extras’ not provided by the school budget. The money is spent on enhancing the school curriculum and the school environment.We aim to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all our children across all areas of the school and the curriculum.
The PTA fundraising has enabled us to:
- provide a new cooking room
- build a new workspace and internal corridor at the rear of the school
- create a mosaic in the lobby
- purchase interactive whiteboards
- install rainwater butts for the garden
- resurface the whole playground
For the past couple of year, the money has been saved up to go towards the redevelopment of the school hall. We are continuing to raise money for this purpose and hope to start work next summer on the audio-visual and sound systems, PE Equipment and renew the floor, curtains and stage.
Gift Aid has been used to fund
- continued development of the outdoor area, last year purchasing new planters and fencing around the outdoor classrooms
- Workshops and assemblies throughout the year, as well as trips
- Hatching chick program in the spring term (now a much loved annual event)
Going forward we are looking to use our Gift Aid funds for further enhancing the provision of ICT in our school as well as further developing the outdoor classrooms.