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Garden Suburb Infant School

Learning Behaviours

Children will not learn effectively and deeply if they do not have the appropriate attitudes and behaviour towards their learning.

For this reason, we give a high priority to developing important learning behaviours across all aspects of the curriculum. To help with this, we have six learning behaviour mascots who represent these behaviours and engage the children.

You can support this at home, by talking to your child about our learning behaviour animal friends, and praising them when they demonstrate specific learning behaviours.


Independent Iris

  • I listen to instructions.

  • I know what I need to do.

  • I take care of my environment and myself.

  • I try for myself before I ask for help.

  • I notice things around me.

  • I think for myself.

  • I enjoy doing things for myself.

  • I can find ways to solve problems for myself.


Cooperative Colin

  • I like to work with others

  • I listen to the ideas of others.

  • I can manage my feelings.

  • I help others to learn.

  • I take turns and share.

  • I learn from others.

  • I treat others fairly.


Inventive Ivy

  • I use my imagination.

  • I wonder what if….?

  • I use what I have learned in many different ways.

  • I can solve problems.

  • I ask many questions.

  • I use my initiative.

  • I can use a range of equipment.


Resilient Rupert

  • I have confidence in myself.

  • I am brave and will try new things.

  • I find ways to help myself.

  • I concentrate and ignore distractions.

  • I accept a challenge.

  • I keep on trying and don’t give up.

  • I know that making mistakes is part of learning.



Reflective Rowan


  • I listen to advice and feedback.

  • I think about what I am doing and learning.

  • I know that I can learn from my mistakes.

  • I can talk to other people about my learning.

  • I know how to make my work even better.

  • I am proud of what I can do.


Talkative Tavi

  • I use my voice to explain what I know and share my ideas.

  • I use my voice to tell someone how I am feeling.

  • I speak clearly and in sentences.

  • I learn new vocabulary and practise using it every day!

  • I think carefully about how loud my voice needs to be, and when I need to listen.