Moving On
At Garden Suburb Infant School we endeavour to make the points of transition as smooth and as stress-free as possible for pupils, parents and staff.
We have very clear and well-planned induction procedures for children new to our school and we support the children well at the points of transition between year groups and as they move on to Junior school.
We place liaison with colleagues and with parents at the centre of the transition procedure.
Admissions to Garden Suburb Infants fall under the Admission Policy of the London Borough of Barnet and the DfE School Admissions Code (1st Feb 2012). See "About Us / Admission" for further information on the admission process.
Children automatically move from one year group to the next and parents are informed in July (with the end of year report) which class and which teacher they will be with during the next academic year.
On occasions, for very specific reasons such as balancing classes in terms of gender and languages, we will reorganise the classes at the end of Reception Year to make 3 new classes for Year One. We will always inform parents in advance if this is going to happen and will explain the process in detail.
After three years, in the year they are seven, children can transfer to our Junior School, which is on the same site. A separate application form is completed by all parents in Year Two to apply for their place - the school informs the parents when it is time and closely monitors the application process. As children from the Infant school have priority over any new applications for the Junior School, to date, no infant child has been refused a place in the Junior school.
The two schools have strong links and staff in the Infant and Junior Schools work closely together to ensure that the children move comfortably from one environment to another.
Please see our Induction and Transition Policy found in our 'Policies' page for details of how we support our children at each stage of their journey through our school.