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Garden Suburb Infant School

Pupil Premium

Garden Suburb Infant School Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25

Garden Suburb Schools Governing Body recognises its responsibility towards disadvantaged pupils. Governors monitor the use of the Pupil Premium grant and its impact

The Governing Body endorses the school’s Pupil Premium strategy.

The Pupil Premium Grant is an initiative which was introduced in April 2011. Individual schools receive specific additional funding for identified Disadvantaged pupils.

It provides funding for children who are currently on Free School Meals (FSM); have been looked after continuously for more than six months; pupils who were looked after by an English or Welsh local authority immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order; children of service personnel and pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point over the last 6 years.

As all children in Infant schools are entitled to Free School Meals, this can be confusing. See our Free School Meal page here for further information.


The purpose of the grant is to support schools in ensuring that disadvantaged children achieve best progress & attainment and that the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers is narrowed.

 Schools are accountable to parents/carers and the community on how they spend the Pupil Premium grant and have to publish a yearly Pupil Premium Report to that effect.

It is up to the individual schools to decide on how best to spend this money so it reaches the pupils who need it the most.

At Garden Suburb Infant school we believe that the best way to ensure that disadvantaged children achieve their potential is for the Pupil Premium grant to contribute primarily to Quality Teaching & Learning. The grant also contributes to delivering specific interventions and to supporting children’s social, emotional & physical wellbeing.

In order to achieve this, we use the Pupil Premium grant:

  1. To ensure Quality First Teaching with effective feedback enables all children to make good progress.

  2. To ensure best practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage, including child led learning with quality adult interactions / feedback to extend children’s learning, enables all children to make good progress.

  3. To ensure children entitled to PP funding make good progress in literacy, narrowing the gap in attainment between them and their peers.

  4. To ensure children entitled to PP funding make good progress in numeracy, narrowing the gap in attainment between them and their peers.

  5. To ensure children with communication difficulties are given the necessary targeted support to develop the skills to make good progress across the curriculum.

  6. To raise confidence levels and improve motor-skills through access to enrichment activities.

  7. To ensure class teachers are acutely aware of the PP children in their classes, tracking their progress accurately and targeting them for interventions where necessary.

Our Annual Pupil Premium report gives details of how the grant contributes to the above and the impact of spending.

Please see the information attached for details of how the Pupil Premium Funding has been allocated in our school and to see our review of the impact it has had in the previous year.