School Sports Funding
The PE and sport premium is a grant from the government designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.
We receive a sum of money every year that we use to enhance the Physical Education and School Sports that we offer in school.
PE Sport Grant Expenditure and Impact
Here are some of the events and activities we have managed to carry out in recent years:
Membership to BPSS (Barnet Partnership for school sports) Impact:
The sharing of best practise and an increased range of opportunities.
KS1 Sports Festivals at Allianz Park – This gave Y1/2 children the opportunity to take part in a variety of physical activities alongside other schools. It helped to build their confidence and encouraged them to try different sports.
We also took part in the Change 4 Life Festival at Burnt Oak Leisure Centre and the children that took part were so excited about trying a variety of different physical activities led by older children and alongside other schools.
The Barnet Bar No One Festival was a wonderful experience for 4 of our children with different physical needs. They had the opportunity to try lots of different sports with specialist coaches who adapted activities where necessary and they were also supported by secondary school children. This was a really fun event that gave the children opportunities to access outside activities and increase their confidence and engagement.
KS1 Virtual Challenges
Y1 and Y2 took part in an intra school competitions. These virtual challenges allow children to set personal goals, to set personal bests and challenge themselves to improve. They also give them an introduction to intra school competition.
Year 1 and 2 Football Festivals
Our children took part in the football festivals organised by Barnet Sports Partnership and ran by Non Stop Action. These events had a massive impact on the children’s confidence and resilience and it helped to promote good sportsmanship.
Resources replenished in the hall and playground
Impact: Resources are being used to develop and support the quality of PE lessons and they are providing opportunities for children to take part in a variety of different sports and physical activity. The resources in the playground have been encouraging more physically active playtimes.
Participation in Barnet Dance Festival
Impact: The children felt a real sense of achievement. They developed their dance skills, team work and confidence.
Year 2 Play leaders (Y2 children leading different physical activities for YR and Y1 to take part in during lunch breaks)
Impact: Happier more active playtimes.
The play leaders have gained confidence and are beginning to understand the qualities of a good leader.
Please click on the file below to see how we plan to spend this grant in the coming year.